"See you for gin in the morning!" Some memorable words as said by our lovely friend Ben as he clumsily tripped off the tube when it came to a halt, and we all giggled uncontrollably. Something I can for sure say, and if I haven't said it before I'll say it again. The best part of traveling is always the friends you spend time with and the new people you meet. I'll say that these two days were some of the most entertaining and fun nights we had with friends. When you go out to dinner with a bunch of new people and then they ask you if you want to go to a pub afterward you know you've made new friends. I won't forget either when looking for a good pub to go to we somehow ended app in this bar or, I don't know what it was, but they were blasting Benny and the Jets then changed to singing Happy Birthday whilst our other friend Ben was singing along conducting the song with his fingers. Oh man, so many laughs. I slap my hand for not writing this sooner because I can't remember all that we did in compete detail but the pictures sure do bring back memories. And because I never finished writing about this England trip I'll probably do shorter posts the next couple I put up and focus more on the photos. Ah, there's so much I need to catch up on. But for now, here's a handful of photos from this lovely day with friends and around London.

I was happy we ate here as its' in one of.... Sorry, our actual favorite movie.

Oh yeah, and our Notting Hill flat we stayed in had a ladder to climb to the roof so some of us who weren't deathly afraid of heights climbed up it. Also, this photo makes me happy.
- Kenzie x
I was happy we ate here as its' in one of.... Sorry, our actual favorite movie.

Oh yeah, and our Notting Hill flat we stayed in had a ladder to climb to the roof so some of us who weren't deathly afraid of heights climbed up it. Also, this photo makes me happy.
- Kenzie x
- 8:20 PM