11:49 AMHello, all! I know I have left the blog pushed aside and neglected for quite some time.... but today I have something I want to share and promised to post about so here it is!
A few months ago I visited the patchwork craft show in Santa Ana and stumbled upon the lovely shop, Apricty. Her shop can't help but to catch your eye when walking by it with her products vintage charm of lace and peter pan collared dresses she has displayed, you can't miss it. I have followed Apricity for a while on Etsy and it was so nice to see a variety of her dresses in person as well as try all of them on. Eileen Chai, who is the owner of the shop and co owner of Fleet Collection was super helpful and sweet. I think its great when you can meet some of your favorite artists in person so you can see and get to know the person behind the creations. I hope we'll cross paths again at another craft show. I'm not a huge fan of posting a ton of photos of myself on social media but I was able to get these photos taken by a lovely friend when wearing the dress and I love it. All of her dresses are great quality and so well made. This dress barely wrinkles even after being washed and it fits comfortably. It's my favorite dress right now and I would love to purchase another of Eileen's creations in the future.
-Kenzie x